Instructions to authors
Proposals and contributions submitted to the 2017 JRES must comply with the authors instructions described on this page.
In short
Key dates
30th September 2017 |
Deadline for the reception of papers |
15th October 2017 |
Deadline for the reception of posters |
30th October 2017 |
Deadline for the reception of slides, biographies and pictures |
14 to 17 november 2017 |
JRES 2017 in Nantes |
Useful files
Logos JRES for posters and for slides
Types of contributions
Several types of contributions are possible :
The long presentations
The long presentations include a summary, a paper and a presentation of 35 minutes followed by 10 minutes of questions and answers.
The short presentations
The short presentations include a summary, a paper and a presentation of 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes of questions and answers.
The posters
New for this year, posters have the same importance as full presentations and will be associated with a paper. The posters include the poster itself, a summary and an optionnal paper.
The round tables
The round tables, that will last one hour, involve several stakeholders on a given topic, chosen (selected?) by them. They exchange their points of view. The round table is followed by 30 minutes of questions and answers. The contents of the debate (topic, points of view, convergences, divergences, distribution of various stakeholders, etc) will be precised in the text of the proposition. The selected round tables will include a summary that will be published in the programme of the conference.
The lightning talks
The "lighning talks" (LT) are rapid presentations of serveral minutes, no time is allowed for questions. They will be renewed this year and submission guidelines will be precised at a later date. No paper is associated to a LT.
The Birds of a Feather
The "Birds of a Feather" (BOF) are informal discussion groups interested in a particular issue. The submission guidelines will be precised later. No paper is associated to a BOF.
The stand for the association of open source software
Associations for the promotion of open source software (in general or in a specific field) may use a stand in the exhibitor's space during a part of the conference.
Submission of a proposal
Agreement of the authors
The submission of a proposal implies the author's permission according to the conditions stipulated in the authorization document for the publication on the JRES websites and includes all image rights.
Author registration
Note that for each retained proposal, one of the authors benefits from a free entry to JRES. This discount does not exempt the author from the registration procedures.
Submission of a proposal
The proposal of presentations (short or long), of posters or round tables is done with the online submission form until the deadline mentionned at the top of this page. These proposals are for the exclusive use of the programme committee and they must describe the project of the author and allow to the committee to have a precise idea in order to evaluate the proposals for selection. The online form also permits you to submit optionnally a document in order to consolidate your proposal. The programme committee will select the contibutions on the basis of these informations.
Your proposal must include :
from 700 to 1300 words for a proposal for a long presentation ;
from 200 to 1300 words for a proposal for a short presentation, a poster, a round table or a stand.
Submission of an application for a stand
The applications for a stand for associations of promotion of open source software are also done with the online submission form. The proposal will describe the association, the proposed number of people that will be on the stand and the requested number of days present. Retained associations will be asked to provide a short presentation for the JRES website.
The documents for the selected contributions (except for "lighning talks", "birds of a feather" and "stands")
Authors of selected proposals (short or long presentations, posters or round tables) will have to send the final documents before the deadlines indicated at the top of this page.
The summary
This document is mandatory for every type of proposal. It will be integrated in the online programme and the booklet of the programme. It must allowto each attendee to choose the sessions that he will want to follow. The text of this summary will have to be recorded via the conf-ng application and it should not exceed 260 words.
The paper
The paper is destined to an online publication.
For the long presentations, the paper must include between 15000 and 25000 signs (without spaces) ;
For the short presentations, the paper must include between 5000 and 25000 signs (without spaces);
The paper must be compliant with the proposal and it must be sent to the programme committee before the deadline. If it is not respected, the programme committee reserves the right to remove the presentation from the programme and also the associated presentation.
You can submit your paper to the JRES 2017 conference using one of the three available formats :
Format |
Minimal version of the program |
File to send |
LaTeX | TeXLive >= 2009 | |
OpenDocument | LibreOffice >= 4.3 | .odt |
Office OpenXML | Microsoft Office >= 2010 | .docx |
You must use one of the supplied templates to write your article.
For office formats (OpenDocument and Office OpenXML), the program committee will ask you to produce a final PDF version.
If you use color in your paper (diagrams, photographs, etc.), make sure that it remains readable for monochrome printing.
The paper itself contains a summary which may be identical or not, depending on the choice of the author, to the summary described above (published in the conference program).
The presentation
The presentation system used during the JRES conference will be equipped with the standard softwares tools (LibreOffice, Microsoft Office, Acrobat Reader, VLC ...).
In order to accept the charters of the establishements, there is no imposed mask, somme rules to respect:
- format of presentations in 16:9
- the first slide should be simple and contain:
- the title of the presentatipon as given in the program
- the name of the authors
- the JRES logo
The duration of the presentations is 15 minutes for the short presentations (not 5 minutes of questions) and 45 minutes for the long presentations (not 10 minutes of questions).
The sessions are broadcast live and recorded. During the presentation, speakers should:
- stay facing the camera, do not move on stage and speak in the microphone;
- the pointers (lasers or mice) are proscribed car not visible on the video.
If photos or images are included in your presentation, make sure they are copyright-free. Your presentation will be available on the conference website (after the JRES) and will have a very broad visibility.
You can update your presentation after the conference if you want to make minor corrections before final archiving.
The posters
Printing the posters will be undertaken by the JRES organization.
Posters can be accompanied by an article to be published on the conference website. The deadline for submission of this article must be respected. The posters themselves are due before the date mentioned at the top of this page.
As for the presentations, the 2017 JRES logo must be present in the posters.
The posters formatting is free... but you have be compliant with the following guidelines :
include the JRES logo in your poster ;
conceive your poster with a maximum size of 90 cm x 130 cm(in "portrait" mode) ;
send your file in PDF format ;
use a vector format for the logos of organizations for graphics and diagrams (or failing use a sufficiently well defined bitmap format) ;
use a minimum resolution of 150 dpi for pictures ;
provide a 5 mm margin (ie not put an image or a text within 5 mm of the edge)
The round tables
The round tables are organized differently. A person from the programme committee will contact you in order to prepare the round table that you proposed.
Author's portraits
To the extent that you submit a portrait photo with the online form, it will be inserted into the page describing your paper and accessible from the programme. The optional submission of this picture implies acceptance for its publication. In the case of papers with several authors, authors can submit only one picture, but it can be a collective one or a photomontage.
Biography of authors and additional information
A short biography (maximum fifteen lines), unscattered, will permit the session chairman to introduce you to the audience.
A mobile phone number is required so that the session chairman can reach you if need be during the conference.
Files given by the programme committee
The programme committee put at your disposal the files hereafter to help you prepare your contribution.
Paper templates
To write your paper, you must use one the given templates.
JRES logos
Official logos to use for presentations and posters are available in two colors (black and blue) and they are avalaible in the two following formats bitmap (.png and .jpg) size and vector format (.eps and .ai). Logos are avalaible in the archive
Contact with authors
Upon receipt of the documents, the program committee will read your work and will eventually require improvements. This period of collaboration and articles round-trips between the Program Committee and authors is a busy one : do not wait until the last moment to send us your work. You can contact the program committee for any clarification or requests for assistance via the address